5 New Year's Resolutions tips for your Dog

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5 New Year's Resolutions tips for your Dog

2020 was a bizarre year to say the least. We couldn’t see or cuddle all of our friends and family but this year gave us some extra quality time with our four-legged friends as well. It made us appreciate their company even more.

With 2021 coming closer, we would like to take a moment and think of what we can do to make life for our furry friends even better in the upcoming year. How can we make the most out of it for them?

We’ll get you going with these New Year's Resolutions for your dog!



# 1 Get plenty of exercise.

We have (re) discovered going for a walk and we wouldn’t want to forget about this hobby in the new year. Walking is the perfect exercise for most dogs. For 2021 we challenge you and your dog to exercise at least 5 times a week. This can include a game of pulling and fetching in the living room, a nice walk, a visit to the dog park, etc. Or do you prefer to go for a run with your four-legged friend? 


# 2 Schedule an annual vet check-up.

Unfortunately our pets can't tell us when they are in pain or whenever something is wrong. Despite the fact that their eyes often speak volumes, it is best to visit your vet every year or even twice a year for a check up. This way you can be sure that they are still fit and doing just fine!


# 3 Give your dog some social contact.

Despite of some among them, most of our furry friends absolutely adore other dogs. Make an appointment with a friend who also has a dog, or find a nice dog park in your area!


# 4 Make sure your dog regains his / her weight.

When the year comes to an end, we don’t exactly mind the extra pounds we gain, our four-legged friends sometimes share in that habit. Studies have shown that dogs with a healthy weight live an average of 2 years longer than the somewhat chubby dogs. And we want to keep our friend with us as long as possible, don't we? Talk about it with your vet and set up a balanced feeding guide for your pet.


# 5 Have a plan for post-lockdown.

We all hope that the restrictions imposed on us by the Corona crisis will come to an end next year. This will most likely also ensure that many of you will have to return to their office. Our pets are no longer used to this and we can’t explain the situation to them. Therefore, set up a plan on how you can make the transition back to your previous lifestyle as easy and smooth as possible for your dog. For example, you can agree to take turns with your partner or call on friends and family when you suddenly spend less time at home.



Time to get started with these tips, but first we wish you a lovely New Years Eve. If everything is going as planned, hopefully our four-legged friends will be spared from any blasting fireworks this year!


Warm Woofs

Dot & Hammy


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